In recent news, it has been revealed that Prabhas, the famous Indian actor known for his role in the blockbuster hit “Baahubali”, has been working on a new horror comedy film directed by Maruthi. Despite having already completed filming for two other films, “Salaar” and “Project K”, Prabhas has made it a priority to finish shooting for this yet-to-be-announced project.
Although Prabhas has already completed 25% of his part in the film, the official release date and announcement have not been made public. This has left many fans and industry insiders curious as to why Prabhas decided to prioritize this project over others.
According to sources, Prabhas believes that the genre of this film is unique and wants to keep it as a surprise package for his fans and audience. He wants to offer something different and keep the film ready for release, depending on the timing of its release.