Following the victory of Chennai Super Kings (CSK) against Sunrisers Hyderabad (SRH) by seven wickets in an Indian Premier League (IPL) 2023 match on Friday, the CSK captain MS Dhoni spoke at the presentation ceremony. Dhoni admitted his age when he said, “[I am] definitely old, you know, you can’t really shy away from that.” He went on to say, “It’s the end of my career…It’s critical for me to enjoy the IPL no matter how long I play.”

These comments suggest that the 41-year-old Dhoni recognizes that he is nearing the end of his cricket career and may retire soon. Despite this, he is still committed to playing and is determined to enjoy his time in the IPL. As a highly respected and accomplished player, Dhoni’s statements are likely to have significant implications for the CSK team and the IPL as a whole.

It is worth noting that the IPL is a professional Twenty20 cricket league played annually in India and is widely regarded as one of the most popular cricket leagues in the world. With his comments, Dhoni may be signaling that he is preparing to step down from the game, which could have a significant impact on the league and the cricketing community at large.


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