Jagapathi Babu, a popular actor known for his versatility, recently shared some insights about his role in the upcoming movie #SSMB28. According to Jaggu Bhai, he shot for approximately one week for the film, which is directed by Trivikram Srinivas and stars Mahesh Babu in the lead role.
Jagapathi Babu’s character in #SSMB28 is reportedly a combination of drama and action, showcasing his ability to perform a wide range of roles. As a seasoned actor with over three decades of experience, Babu is known for his ability to bring depth and nuance to his characters. Fans of the actor will no doubt be eagerly anticipating his performance in #SSMB28, which is sure to be one of the most highly anticipated movies of the year.
With Trivikram Srinivas at the helm and a talented cast and crew on board, #SSMB28 is expected to be a cinematic spectacle that will appeal to audiences of all ages. Babu’s involvement in the film only adds to the excitement surrounding its release, and fans are sure to be eagerly counting down the days until they can see him in action on the big screen.