Chandrababu Naidu, the leader of the Telugu Desam Party, was taken into custody on Saturday morning by the Andhra Pradesh Police over allegations of corruption. The former chief minister’s arrest took place around 6 am at the R K Function Hall in Gnanapuram, located in Nandyala town.
Naidu received a notice from Deputy Superintendent of Police M Dhanunjayudu, who is part of the CID’s Economic Offences Wing (EOW). The notice informed Naidu of his arrest and specified that it was a non-bailable offense.
The charges against the former Andhra Pradesh chief minister include various sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), such as Section 120B for criminal conspiracy, Section 420 for cheating and dishonestly inducing property delivery, and Section 465 for forgery. Additionally, the Andhra Pradesh CID has applied the Prevention of Corruption Act in his case.
This notice was issued under CrPC Section 50(1)(2).