In a shocking turn of events, a peaceful neighborhood in Madhuranagar, Hyderabad, descended into chaos following an altercation involving a pet dog. Reports indicate that the incident began when Srinath’s dog allegedly bit a relative of Dhanunjaya, sparking a chain of violent retaliation.
Witnesses recounted the scene as Dhanunjaya, fueled by rage and seeking revenge for the dog bite, rallied his friends and launched a brutal attack on Srinath. Armed with sticks, the assailants targeted Srinath and his wife, who bravely intervened to protect her husband during the assault.
The confrontation escalated quickly, leaving both Srinath and his wife injured and in need of medical attention. Tragically, even the pet dog was not spared from the violence.
Authorities have been notified of the incident, and an investigation is expected to be launched to apprehend those responsible for the attack. The community of Madhuranagar has been left stunned and concerned by the outbreak of violence in their usually tranquil surroundings.
This unfortunate incident raises serious questions about the safety and security of residents in the area. It underscores the need for proactive measures to prevent such incidents from occurring again in the future and to ensure the well-being of all members of the community.
As the investigation unfolds, residents are urged to remain vigilant and cooperative with law enforcement authorities. Updates on this developing situation will be provided as more information becomes available.
మధురానగర్ పిఎస్ పరిధిలో దారుణం జరిగింది. పెంపుడు కుక్కపై ముగ్గురు వ్యక్తులు దాడి చేశారు. పోలీస్ స్టేషన్ లో ఫిర్యాదు చేసినా ఎలక్షన్ హడావుడిలో అంతగా పట్టించుకోలేదు. పెంపుడు కుక్కపై దాడి చేస్తూ అడ్డువచ్చిన శ్రీనాథ్ధ్, ఆయన భార్య స్వప్న తల కూడా పగలగొట్టారు. ఘటనపై మధురానగర్ పోలీసులు…
— ChotaNews (@ChotaNewsTelugu) May 16, 2024